Welcome Speech

Honorable representatives of the tourism sector,
The Armenian Tourism Federation welcomes you!
Public perception of the role and importance of representatives of the tourism and tourism sector in the world and in life in general, their decent assessment and proper use are extremely useful and necessary. But on the contrary, underestimation and not rational use of incomplete public perception is a challenge that must be overcome.
The unified statement and realization of the seven simple truths will contribute to the formation and strengthening of public perception and, thus, the effective service of tourism to the well-being, security, good neighborliness and friendship of peoples.
1. Tourism is a phenomenon of very important economic, social, cultural and political significance.
2. Tourism feeds all other sectors of the economy and feeds on them.
3. Sustainable tourism is a powerful force in favor of:
● Stable and proportionate territorial economic development,
● Improvement of the standard of living of the population,
● Protection, improvement and restoration of the environment, reasonable use of natural resources,
● Preservation, development, proper presentation and promotion of cultural heritage,
● Intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity,
● Strengthening and continuously enhancing the international prestige of the country and the people,
● Protection, development, promotion of universal values,
● Strengthening international solidarity and peace,
● Strengthening of Homeland-Diaspora ties, preservation and strengthening of national identity.
4. In fact, tourism is a journey and a stay.
Tourism is a temporary life of a person outside his place of permanent residence (habitual environment).
In other words, as tourism, we go to a particular tourism destination, where we spend a part of our life that is different from the usual one.
5. A tourism destination is not only a territory with its borders, infrastructure and services, but also life and lifestyle locally.
The more interesting and original the life locally, the more attractive and competitive the tourism destination is.
6. Thus,
● the tour operator is an aggregator of tourist services, a composer of a tourist's life on the spot and is responsible for the proper organization and provision of that life,
● the guide is a representative of the country, community and people, mainly responsible for their reputation,
● the hotelier is the host of the guest in the house and is responsible for proper hospitality,
● the innkeeper is the one who gives food
● cook is a contemplator, a keeper and distributor of optimistic ideas about the past, present and future through the kitchen
● organizer of events, festivals is the one who gives flesh and blood to all programs, the one who gives variety, taste and flavor to the life of a tourist,
● cultural worker - the bearer, keeper and representative of national identity, providing a dialogue with the world in the language of culture,
● the carrier is responsible for the journey
● the local population is the main user and is responsible for all this
7. Let's take care, preserve and develop tourism, and it will respond exponentially .
Welcome Speech



Մեզ խնդրում են «կարմիր գոտի» համարվող Սյունիքը, Վայոց Ձորը, Տավուշն ու Գեղարքունիքը հանել զբոսաշրջային ուղղությունների ցանկից. Մեխակ Ապրեսյան

Տարածաշրջանում առկա լարվածության ու գնաճի ֆոնին, ինչպես նաև դրամի արժևորմանը զուգահեռ, Հայաստանը շարունակում է պահպանել իր զբոսաշրջային գրավչությունը: Առաջին կիսամյակի տվյալներով՝ Հայաստան է այցելել մեկ միլիոնից ավելի զբոսաշրջիկ: Միեւնույն ժամանակ, Սյունիքը, Վայոց Ձորը, Տավուշը, Գեղարքունիքը եվրոպական երկրներում իբրև վտանգավոր գոտի են դիտարկվում, ավելին, օտարերկրյա զբոսաշրջային ընկերությունները հայ գործընկերներին խնդրում են ծրագրերից հանել այդ մարզերը:Alpha News-ի հետ զրույցում այս մասին ասել է Տուրիզմի հայկական ֆեդերացիայի նախագահ Մեխակ Ապրեսյանը՝ հավելելով, որ պետությունը, մասնավոր հատվածն ու Սփյուռքը պետք է կարողանան փոխել այդ կարծրիքը: Ապրեսյանի համոզմամբ կարմիր գոտի ճանաչված հայկական բնակավայրերը զբոսաշրջության համար վտանգավոր չեն:«Պետությունը, մասնավոր հատվածն ու Սփյուռքը պետք է կարողանան փոխել այդ կարծրիքը, որն ավելի շատ կարծրատիպ է և հեռու է իրականությունից», — համոզված է Ապրեսյանը: Ապրեսյանը իր ասածը հիմնավորում է այսպես. «Սիսիանում տեղի ունեցավ հայ-իրանական մշակութային խոհանոցային փառատոնը՝ «Նավասարդ» խորագրով: Հրաշալի լուսաբանվեց, տասնյակ հազարավոր մարդիկ կային: Բոլորը տեսան, որ մարդիկ անհոգ ու ապահով շրջում են Սյունիքում: «Վտանգավոր» Սյունիքում փառատոնը վառ վկայությունն էր, որ այդ գոտին զբոսաշրջության համար ապահով է»:Մեխակ Ապրեսյանի ներկայացմամբ՝ պատերազմից և կորոնավիրուսից հետո զբոսաշրջության ոլորտը սկսում է կամաց-կամաց վերականգնվել: Պետությունը մարքեթինգի համար հատկացվող բյուջեն հնգապատկել է, արդյունքը կերևա գալիք տարիներին:«Յուրաքանչյուր տարի, նախորդ տարվա համեմատ, աճ ենք արձանագրում, դեռևս չենք հասնում 2019-ի՝ մինչև կորանավիրուսի ժամանակ ունեցած ցուցանիշին»,- ասում է Ապրեսյանը և հավելում՝ ներգնա զբոսաշրջային այցելությունների թիվը կիսամյակային տվյալներով արդեն իսկ գերազանցել է 2019-ի ցուցանիշը:«770.000-ից քիչ ավելի ցուցանիշ ենք ունեցել 2019-ին, իսկ այս տարի մեկ միլիոնը գերազանցեցինք»: Նրա համոզմամբ՝ միանգամայն իրատեսական է, որ այս տեմպերով շարունակվելու դեպքում, 2019-ի ցուցանիշը՝ այն է մոտ 1 մլն 894 հազար, այս տարի գերազանցվելու է: Ապրեսյանը վստահ է, որ այս տարի Հայաստանն իր զբոսաշրջային այցելությունների թվով հատելու է 2 մլն-ի սահմանագիծը:«Չպետք է երբեք տարվել այս պահին փող աշխատելու մոլուցքով: Իհարկե, մենք ունենք հրաշալի պատմամշակութային ժառանգություն և որոշակիորեն ձևավորված ենթակառուցվածքներ, բայց մեր գլխավոր խաղաքարտը մեր լեգենդար ժողովուրդն է՝ իր հյուրընկալությամբ, որը թույլ է տալիս զբոսաշրջիկին մեր երկրում լավ զգալ իրեն»,- ասում է Ապրեսյանը՝ հավելելով, որ պետության և մասնավոր հատվածի կողմից աշխատանք նույնպես տարվել է, հատկապես, մարքեթինգի ուղղությամբ:Ապրեսյանը նշում է, թեեւ վերջին տարիներին պետությունն ավելացրել է տեսակի փառատոնների իր մասնակցության չափաբաժինը, սակայն, կա մի կարևոր խնդիր՝ մի փառատոնին մասնակցողը մեկ այլ փառատոնի մասնակցելու դեպքում աջակցության համար չի կարող դիմել պետությանը: Սա, ըստ մասնագետի, հարվածում է փառատոնների կազմակերպման ամբողջ համակարգին:Ապրեսյանը կարեւորում է փառատոնների նշանակությունը: Դրանց միջոցով կարելի է հասնել զբոսաշրջային քաղաքականության առջև դրված նպատակներին:


Some of the tourist centers of Armenia have faced serious challenges. Mekhak Apresyan

As a result of the military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Armenia, the tourism sector has faced serious problems. President of the Armenian Tourism Federation Mekhak Apresyan noted at a press conference in the press-room of "Armenpress" that some tourist centers were targets during the hostilities. Although today the border is relatively calm, these tourism centers are still not working.“Jermuk, which is one of the tourist centers announced by the RA government, is in a difficult situation today. Other communities that have been attacked are also in the same condition. As you know, many infrastructure facilities are physically damaged, moreover, there are no tourist visits there nowdays. Sanatoriums of Jermuk and other institutions providing tourist services do not function today," Mekhak Apresyan said.According to the specialist, these and other similar tourist centers have faced such a problem that they may lose their jobs. If workers in an industry remain unemployed for a long time and try to find work in other industries, the loss of specialists will come very soon. Then it will be very difficult to fill this gap.Mekhak Apresyan proposes that the state and the private sector discuss together how tourism can be preserved in the affected areas and develop a program of measures in this direction.Due to tensions at the border, companies offering tours have revised their work, making changes to the structure of tour packages.“During this period, there are also certain changes in the direction of inbound tourism. In particular, as we have seen, in Russia there was a large flow to Armenia due to mobilization. On the one hand, this is good, a large number of citizens come, however, on the other hand, there was an increase in ticket prices, which deterred actual tourists,” Mekhak Apresyan said.The specialist noted that since 2020, the tourism sector has been hit, first there was a pandemic, then a 44-day war. After that, great efforts were made to restore, activate the sphere, which was successful. In January-August 2022, more than 1 million tourists arrived in Armenia. According to this indicator, the country is gradually approaching the data for 2019. To maintain the overall pace, Mekhak Apresyan proposes active work by the public-private sector in various areas: assessment of the situation, flexible response, reorganization of work, development of support programs, etc.


In 2022 1.54 million tourists arrived in Armenia. The Tourism Committee presented the carried out work and achievements

The Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia summed up the work and achievements carried out in 2022 and presented the work and programs planned for 2023.During the event, a presentation of the new website Armenia.travel was also held, which will provide complete and interesting information about the tourism sector of Armenia.According to Armenpress, the head of the Tourism Committee Sisian Poghosyan noted that the website was created with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany within the framework of the EU program for business “Development of innovative tourism and technologies for Armenia”, implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). He emphasized that 1 million 540 thousand tourists arrived in Armenia this year."After the coronavirus, the number of visits to Armenia is recovering. We hope that we will end the year with 1 million 600-700 thousand visits and approach the figures of 2018. Most of all, 47% of tourists came to Armenia from Russia. Followed by people from Georgia, Iran, USA, Germany," Poghosyan said. He recalled that they already have a new brand - "Armenia as a hidden path", which they represent at all events and international EXPOs.In addition, a number of activities were carried out together with the World Bank and will continue to be implemented next year.Poghosyan assured that they have done a very large amount of work to be able to correctly represent the Republic of Armenia (in 4 areas: nature, adventure culture, kitchen and wine) on the international market. This year they also made study visits, visiting Armenia from the USA, Georgia, Dubai, Belarus and Germany. In addition, many articles were published about Armenia.As for plans for next year, Poghosyan noted that they plan to introduce their new website, which is only in English, in Russian, French and German. At the same time, they are working with airlines to be able to advertise Armenia.The number of tourists who came to Armenia for the Junior Eurovision 2022, which took place in December, is also small, but the final data, according to Poghosyan, will be received in January.RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan emphasized that during this year, as a result of the work carried out by the team of the Committee of Tourism, significant results were achieved.“Of these achievements, I would like to note the creation of a new tourism brand of Armenia and its presentation on international platforms. Armenia really has a great tourism potential, its unique historical and cultural heritage, undiscovered interesting places, unique cuisine and other tourist destinations, which will become even more visible and representative thanks to the launch of the new website,” Kerobyan said.First Deputy Chairman of the Tourism Committee Susanna Hakobyan noted that at the moment they have a new draft law, which was created jointly with the relevant departments and has already been submitted to the Prime Minister's Office."The main changes in the law are the field of regulation, the relevant business entities are brought into the field of regulation by the notification law. According to the law, we will also introduce qualification processes. There will be mandatory qualification for tour guides and escorts, as well as voluntary qualification for hotel facilities and tourist buses. These are the main changes that are included in our current draft law, which will be put into process within the next year,” said Susanna Hakobyan.The Tourism Committee also presented certificates of appreciation to a number of partners who provided significant support to the committee during 2022.


For the first time in the past three years, the influx of tourists to Armenia in November exceeded the figure for the same month in 2019

Chairman of the Armenian Tourism Federation Mekhak Apresyan notes the internal and external reasons for the growth of tourist visits to our country.According to the Tourism Committee, in January-November 2022, 1.54 million tourists arrived in Armenia. At the same time, for the first time since 2019, the indicators for the month were exceeded. 144,576 tourist visits were recorded in November 2022 alone, compared to 140,376 in the same month in 2019 (85,762 tourists arrived in the country in November 2021).In an interview with Sputnik Armenia, Apresyan noted that most of these visits (47%) are due to the influx of tourists from Russia. Next, after Russia by a wide margin, are Georgia, Iran, the USA and Germany.“We must not forget that against the backdrop of the crisis and mobilization in Ukraine, Armenia received two streams of visitors from Russia. Some came to temporarily settle here, and the other part are really tourists,” Apresyan said.According to him, at present Armenia has significantly increased its competitive advantages. For example, in recent years, the HoReCa sector has improved (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe - ed.), and hostels have also developed. Russians feel comfortable here, and besides, the ruble exchange rate is even more stable than in other countries. The specialist argues that such indicators could not be recorded without the good work of the public and private sectors. In addition, the awareness of Armenia has increased in the world.At the same time, Apresyan urged not to weaken against the backdrop of high performance. He explained that the sphere is indeed on the path of recovery, however, growth was recorded solely due to individual visits.


The website was developed within the framework of RECONOMY's “Skills, Knowledge and Intermediation Development” pilot project.